Friday, March 4, 2011

Autism Speaks: A Blue Affair: Benefit Hosted by Vanessa and Donald Trump Jr.

Since its start in 2005, Autism Speaks has become North America’s largest autism science and advocacy organization. One of its central initiatives has found great success through its establishment of World Autism Awareness Day.
This April 6th, hit the Trump Soho as Autism Speaks holds A Blue Affair, hosted by Vanessa and Donald Trump, Jr., in partnership with handbag line La Poshett. Gilt City members are invited to clink glasses with a roster of international superpowers during the event’s cocktail reception, which features a performance by one very special autistic child, Talina Toscano.
The event is a highlight of World Autism Awareness Month, following World Autism Awareness Day which takes place annually on April 2.
The United Nations-backed date brings together global superpowers through the “Light It Up Blue” initiative. In this program, individuals and businesses alike join the cause with blue lights, uniforms, and assorted expressions of cobalt-colored support.
Locations span from Radio City Music Hall to the New York Stock Exchange, Empire State Building to Saks Fifth Avenue.

Changing the System Autism Speaks has already succeeded in reforming insurance to cover behavioral treatments in 23 states—with pending bills in another 14 states. Autism is a disability now affecting 67 million people.
Big Money Contribution Since 2005, Autism Speaks has committed more than $160 million to research and resource development for families.
Help Children Autism affects more children than AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined.
Bruno's Limousine proudly supports Autism Speaks
1140 Post Road
Fairfield, CT 06824